Last year (2023) we raised £12,000 via the Big Give for a two year Vetiver grass programme. The programme started in May 2023 and will run for 2 years. Dr Roger Sharland has prepared an interim report after one year’s activity on this programme.
To read the full report click here:
Here are some highlights from the report.
Work began on the main Vetiver Nursery
Since the first arrival of funds for the specific Vetiver Grass project, Samuel Ouma has been very active in focusing on Vetiver Grass and he has taken responsibility for the project. Along with the caretaker at the REAP farm in Kajulu, he has worked on the main Vetiver nursery making sure that there is now plenty of grass for distributing. They have also worked on the existing hedges on the farm to make sure they are all good demonstrations of the value of Vetiver for visitors, and several new hedges have also been planted on plots that were not yet protected.
Two open days for local leaders have been organised, and George has separately organised several visits to the farm for groups from the immediate area through the Church of Peace in Africa. All visitors to the farm can see very clearly how Vetiver is planted and how it has benefitted the farm.
We were able to have a stand at the Kisumu Regional Show for the first time since COVID
One forum which we have used proactively to encourage Vetiver planting more widely is the Kisumu Regional Show where REAP had a stand for the first time since before COVID. As soon as we decided to have a stand again, Samuel Ouma planted a demonstration hedge across the plot and also planted a Vetiver Nursery for practical teaching. In a plot where we already have well established trees this was part of the overall Creation Care message that we shared, and the main technology we emphasised for managing soil and water conservation. Many contacts were made during the show period and as a result grass has been supplied to several interested people outside the main project areas. Others have since come to buy slips direct from the farm
To read more about what is happening in Butere, Nyamarimba, Kajulu and Songhor