Extending Creation Care Teaching
This year we are trying to reach out to different churches and challenge them in relation to Creation Care and the Gospel. We have had some useful meetings with significant people in some of the main churches in Nairobi and the Kisumu area.
Ed Brown, who is one of the movers on the Lausanne Creation Care movement, was visiting Nairobi recently. We were able to organise a get together one evening with some church and government representatives. Ed gave the Keynote speech.
- The meeting was designed:
- to open the eyes of church folks to our Biblical call to care for creation
- to open the eyes of some government folks to the potential of the church in motivating for change.
The Stewardship of the Environment programme focuses on motivational teaching relating to the environment and sustainable agriculture from a Biblical perspective.
- It concentrates on motivating Christians to be responsible stewards of the soil and environment that God has given us, through teaching that is relevant to even the smallest farmers who do not have access to cash.
- It emphasises sustainable and low input approaches that are working with the balance God created in the soil and having a positive view of trees so that they can be incorporated into even the smallest farm.
- We talk of working with God’s creation rather than against it.