Early February in Butere
At the beginning of February we were in Butere, western Kenya for a two day workshop. There were about 26 participants, all of whom are active in Natural Medicines. Most had attended a previous training seminar. It was a time of sharing together and learning from each other, and a significant amount of time was given to learning how people had used and built on their training. A strong list of successes and challenges was produced as well as specific questions.
There was also some new teaching including Keith Lindsey presenting on Non Communicable Diseases, also known as Lifestyle Diseases. This led to talk about healthy lifestyles and challenges of the modern world. More and more our teaching focuses on how to keep healthy, motivating people from the Bible.
We went through many of the specific questions raised with responses coming from both the participants and the facilitators, depending on the topic. It was a very valuable time of mutual learning. One of the questions related to how the teaching of Natural Medicines fits with Biblical teaching. This gave me an opportunity to share some of what the Bible says in relation to the wonder of God’s creation as well as to challenge participants to read the Bible in such a way as to learn new things
There was a question about how to manage HIV symptoms and I was able to talk about how Frangi Pani can be used to treat Shingles.