- Thanks for the successful purchase of land near Kisumu, after a lengthy time of search and negotiation
- Prayer for safety in travel as many of REAP’s workers have to endure difficult and frequently dangerous circumstances
- Praise that REAP has been able to benefit from many recent talented visitors who have helped produce ingenious cost effective practical ways in which Africa’s rural poor are able to improve their standard of living
REAP successfully acquires much needed plot of land at Kisumu
After many frustrating delays REAP has been able to purchase suitable land that meets all their agricultural requirements as well as offering the future possibility of accommodating a teaching centre.
On 15th June, after visiting the land with a surveyor, transferring money to the landowner at a bank, verification by an advocate and signing of many forms, the title deed was at last acquired.
David Craig, an agriculturalist with REAP at Kisumu, is now working alongside Rosalia and George, who are local to this property, in planning out its future use.
Enthusiasm in REAP’s teaching continues to grow
Domitila was initially discouraged when fuel saving stoves, not as effective as the design REAP promotes, gained external funding and were installed in many homes. However because they were difficult to use they ended up as items of storage rather than to cook with!
This failure has ignited local enthusiasm in REAP’s stoves, which are appropriate to local needs. Domitila has since been inundated with requests for teaching how to build the REAP model. Many women she previously trained in their use have requested refresher courses so they can effectively pass on their expertise.
One place that REAP has recently displayed teaching has been at Maseno University where ‘Women and Climate Change’ seminar was being hosted.
Along with REAP’s usual teaching, Emma Craig was able to exhibit her work showing the ‘recycled’ material teaching resources that she has been working on.
Emma’s ingenuity in developing low cost materials for use in schools has been greatly welcomed by those in the teaching profession.
REAP benefits from visitor’s contributions
Short termer Suzie Henderson has been working with Domitila on expanding the REAP range of beauty products and cosmetics, whilst her boyfriend, Harry, has been doing useful work on urban agriculture and making windmills to generate electricity.