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Newsletter: Winter 2012


  • Thanks that there are many exciting opportunities opening up in South Sudan – please pray that REAP’s teaching will be effectively taken into areas that can hugely benefit from it.  There has been considerable interest in REAP literature that is specifically relevant to South Sudan.
  • Prayer for funding for a building on the Kujulu site to facilitate a demonstration, training and resource centre
  • Praise that Roger’s work permit has been approved for another two years and that rains have begun in western Kenya, so it is now all systems go!

South Sudan opportunities

Above a Pochalla blacksmith shows the tools he makes

Jos has recently returned from spending time in Mundri, where she is planning to found a Christian nursery school. There have been some problems with obtaining the land promised but hopefully this will now be dealt with by the local authorities.

At the same time Roger was able to make a consultancy visit to Pochalle on the Ethiopian (eastern) border of South Sudan.

Roger’s study for the Presbyterian Relief and Development Agency confirmed that REAP’s ‘potential’ based, rather than  ‘needs’ based, approach is highly relevant for South Sudan.

In 2002 Roger met this same blacksmith on a visit for World Relief and recommended that rather than bringing tools in from Kenya, that are not designed for South Sudan, they should import metal sheets. World Relief did this, and he showed Roger the latest products!

REAP’s Plot in Kajulu

The photo shows George digging a fish pond in the swampy area at the bottom of the plot.

REAP’s garden in Kajulu, near Kisumu, continues to mature. The Vetiver Grass hedges have become very effective barriers and soil continues to build up behind them, giving a striking image.

In the lower garden, where the water table is high, Artemisia (which cures malaria) is harvested often and its sale covers most of the ongoing expenses of the site.

A nursery area is being developed, where useful plants and trees brought in from other areas are being nurtured, developed, tried and seeds produced.

The fish pond is designed to work with the existing environment (using the principles of permaculture).  Leucaena trees will be planted around the pond, so their leaves can be harvested to feed the algae that feed the fish.

This is a photo of Sam working in the tree nursery that he has recently established on the REAP plot in Kajulu.

This is a photo of Sam working in the tree nursery that he has recently established on the REAP plot in Kajulu.

He has planted small amounts of seeds from trees and is also propagating herbs from cuttings. A combination of black plastic bags and milk containers are being used. The sugar cane in the background is from a neighbour’s farm, but in front of it, the darker green is Artemisia.

Stoves and Kitchens

Domitilla continues to expand the number of groups she is working with. 

Ruth Osano, a contact of hers in the remote area of Nyakach, has recently become very active in moulding and installing the jikos.

Domitilla’s husband is very enthusiastic about the use of vetiver grass.  This has resulted in vetiver nurseries being established in the places where women have been moulding liners.