- Thanks for the encouraging start to South Sudan as a new nation and that Roger and Jos have been able to contribute to many of the organizations working there
- Prayer for peace along the northern frontier and that REAP may be able to be able to become more proactive it its own right within South Sudan
- Praise for God’s continued blessing on REAP’s work, particularly in the growing demand for REAP’s teaching and enthusiasm to implement it
More Awards
In August REAP retained Kisumu Show trophies for the Best Small Stand and Best Non-governmental Organization. This year we also won the Best Jua Kali Stand award for the windmill power generator, displayed in conjunction with ‘Access Wind’.
REAP also had a display of natural medicines at the Maseno Agricultural Training School Open Day which offered further contact with farmers.
Natural Medicine teaching continues to draw the greatest interest, with many people contacting the Nairobi office via our web site or Anamed links.
In spite of the unusually dry weather Artemisia plants have been multiplied successfully on the REAP plot. There is now a considerable plantation at the bottom of the land where the water table is high.
South Sudan
In July Roger and Jos were able to make an historic visit to Mundri, South Sudan, to join with Jos’s relations in the Independence of their country.
Many contacts were able to be re-established with the Mundri people.
Roger was encouraged by what has already been achieved in the run up to Independence and challenged to know how best to be involved in the longer term.
He continues to be on the Across board and to have significant input on various committees, including The World Gospel Mission and SIM, offering different types of advice.
New Challenges

REAP has a growing demand for teaching but is unable to meet it due to a lack of resources to take more people on board.
The unpredictability of the weather has continued to stimulate thought about climate change issues.
The successful use of mulch on the REAP plot has dramatically demonstrated its value. Vetiver hedging, which continues to provide a valuable means to conserve soil and water in its own right, can also be used to supply dried grass for mulching.
Combining such links as these, to demonstrate the holistic nature of farming on small plots and make the best use of resources, continues to stimulate REAP’s teaching.
The ongoing problem of how pass on this teaching, with limited resources, to those who can most benefit, remains a constant challenge to REAP.