Good News for the Poor
REAP continues to extend it’s teaching and write more leaflets explaining simple methods of sustainable improvement in the use of agriculture, cooking methods nutrition and natural medicines, largely through African Christian churches. Success at Kisumu In August Reap won first places as Best Small Trade Stand and Best NGO Stand, and second place as Best Environmental Management at Kenya’s Kisumu Show. The medical garden once more caused great interest in displaying how Africa’s poorest people can effectively grow plants which can be of enormous benefit to them. An Opportunity to meet Dr. Roger Sharland Discover more about the vision of REAP. In November Roger will be at two open Supporter’s Days, in Exeter and Reading.
Prayer Points
Showing how medicinal charcoal is made |
Kenya’s President meets Pamela, Reap’s goat, who won first prize at this year’s Kisumu Show, when he was awarding the cups that Reap won again this year. | |
A medicinal garden plot | |
Rosalia teaching about the use of natural medicines at the Ukweli Pastoral Centre |