Stephen – a REAP Trustee – and his wife Cathy visited REAP in Kenya in April 2023. Here follows some images and news about their trip.
I was able, with Cathy my wife, to attend the last day of the weeklong Natural Medicine Workshop where an international group, of more than 20 participants were learning at Subiaco, Nairobi. They were keen learners and contributors of their own experience. Dr Roger Sharland led a lively feedback/summary session on the last day, where natural medicines targeting common human diseases were identified. And importantly knowing those diseases where going to the doctor /hospital is needed as natural medicine may not be the solution.

Practical sessions in the afternoon included use of solar cooker, haybox (basket) cooker, use of Moringa seed to settle sediment in water. It was great to see the participants sharing their insights as Rosalia, George and Domitila demonstrated.
I was given a chance to share about SODIS: Solar disinfection of water.
The next week, we travelled up to Kisumu, to visit the REAP demonstration farm/ training centre at Kajulu. Not forgetting a delicious fish supper the evening before at Rosalia’s home nearby.
The farm is an island of green, luscious trees surrounding the plot within which are demonstrations of many different herbs and plants which are beneficial to our health.
Samuel and George showed us around the plot, sharing their vast local knowledge of each plant. The tree seedlings are for community members to buy (or be given) and for the upcoming Kisumu agricultural show.

One key medicinal plant is Artemisia annua, used for prevention and treatment of malaria plus an immune system booster. This is promoted widely by REAP in the local community and wider. REAP supply farmers fresh shoots for planting as well as selling the dried product.
A chance to discuss with the team following a delicious lunch, prepared in the improved local kitchen. (Rosalia with Cathy).
The team shared their desire to get out more into the field, visiting contact farmers and promoting the use of Vetiver for soil and water conservation, Artemisia for health and other crops – encouraging the community in their own self development.

It was a fascinating two days with the REAP team, both in Nairobi and on the farm in Kisumu.
They demonstrated a huge knowledge of the issues and ability to share that with both international and local people. The passion for their work and ministry was so evident.
A huge thank you to the REAP team for their hospitality and making this visit possible.